The Journal of Sistem Komputer & Teknologi Intelegensi Artifisial (SIKOMTIA) is published biannually in June and December by the FIKOM, Bung Karno University. SIKOMTIA aims to publish the latest research in the field of computer systems and artificial intelligence technology. This journal provides a platform for researchers, academics, and professionals to share knowledge, ideas, and innovations related to the development of computer systems and artificial intelligence applications. The scope of SIKOMTIA covers topics such as natural language processing, pattern recognition, image processing, robotics, artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, expert systems, and algorithm optimization. Through ongoing publications, it aims to promote the development and better understanding of the implementation of computer technology and artificial intelligence that are relevant to the needs of society and industry. The published articles undergo a double-blind review. The decision to accept or reject an article is the prerogative of the editorial board based on the reviewers' recommendations.

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 Journal Title  Sistem Komputer & Teknologi Intelegensi Artifisial (SIKOMTIA)
 Subjects  Computer Science, Computer Engineering
 Language  English (preferred), Indonesia
 E-ISSN  2964-8602 (Online)
 Frequency  Two times a year in June and December
 DOI  10.59039/sikomtia (Prefix - by Crossref) 
 Editor in Chief  Alexius Ulan Bani, S.T., M.Kom.
 Publisher  FIKOM - Bung Karno University

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Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): December
					View Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): December

This volume publishes 8 articles consisting of 21 authors from Bung Karno University and Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer Cipta Karya Informatika :
[1] Open Access F Ardiansyah, YL Prambodo, I Iswidodo
[2] Open Access YN Ginting, J Abdillah, FM Sarimole
[3] Open Access AM Rumata, S Marlin, P Harjono
[4] Open Access UD Alhamid, YL Prambodo, A Asruddin
[5] Open Access AT Haidir, MT Kurnia, J Saputro
[6] Open Access FA Akbar, MT Kurnia, FM Sarimole
[7] Open Access HP Mokodompit, A Asruddin, J Abdillah
[8] Open Access M Nuryanto, RM Babys, S Marlin

Published: 31-12-2023


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