Journal Eksplorasi Teknologi Enterprise & Sistem Informasi (EKSTENSI) is an open access electronic journal that is published through a peer review process by relevant experts in the field of computer science. The EKSTENSI Journal is published twice a year, in November and May, by the Faculty of Computer Science, Bung Karno University. This journal aims to disseminate and provide information to relevant parties in the field of computer science and informatics, particularly related to the needs of the IT world, implementation of decision-making methods, and development of the latest information technology applications. Articles published in this journal will undergo several review processes, including by computer science peers without knowledge of the authors' identities (double-blind review). The decision to accept or reject scientific articles in this journal rests with the editorial board based on reviewer recommendations.

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 Journal Title  Eksplorasi Teknologi Enterprise & Sistem Informasi (EKSTENSI)
 Subjects  Computer Science, Information systems
 Language  English (preferred), Indonesia
 E-ISSN  2962-8865 (Online)
 Frequency  Two times a year in May and November
 DOI  10.59039/ekstensi (Prefix - by Crossref) 
 Editor in Chief  Alexius Ulan Bani, S.T., M.Kom.
 Publisher  FIKOM - Bung Karno University

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Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): November
					View Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): November

This volume consists of 6 articles with 15 authors from Bung Karno University and Gunadarma University.

[1] Open Access WL Ningrum, NH Gibran
[2] Open Access C Abimanyu, BG Sudarsono, RG Whendasmoro
[3] Open Access FN Khasanah, RG Whendasmoro, S Sharyanto
[4] Open Access D Syahputra, I Zulkarnain, S Ramos
[5] Open Access LD Qoyyimah, RG Whendasmoro, MT Kurnia
[6] Open Access TP Putri, F Fauziyah, HM Valentine

Published: 30-11-2023


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